At King’s Gate International, we are deeply committed to fulfilling the Great Commission mandate to disciple nations.

Through  Rivers of Life City Churches, we aim to impact communities, transform lives, and build a strong foundation of faith for the next generation. Rivers of Life is a network of indigenous churches planted by Miriam Reese, an apostolic leader commissioned by King’s Gate International who also serves as an Elder at King’s Gate Church VA Beach.

Our Mission:

1. Spreading the Gospel: Our primary goal is to share the good news of Jesus Christ with every individual we encounter. Through our outreach programs, evangelistic efforts, and community engagement, we strive to make His love known to all.

2. Establishing Churches: We believe in the power of local congregations to nurture and support believers in their spiritual journey. To that end, we will train and mentor pastors & leaders who will establish vibrant communities of faith where individuals can grow, worship, and serve together.

3. Serving Communities: Jesus taught us to love our neighbors as ourselves. That's why we are committed to serving the needs of communities across the Philippines. From providing humanitarian aid to offering educational resources, we seek to demonstrate God's love in practical ways.

Our Impact:

1. Transformation: Through our ministries, we have witnessed lives transformed by the power of God's love. From brokenness to wholeness, from despair to hope, we have seen countless individuals experience the life-changing power of Jesus Christ.

2. Community Development: Our church plants are not just places of worship but also hubs of community development. Through initiatives such as healthcare clinics, literacy programs, and vocational training, we are empowering communities to thrive.

3. Spiritual Growth: We are passionate about seeing believers grow in their faith and knowledge of God. Through discipleship programs, Bible studies, and mentorship opportunities, we provide resources and support for spiritual growth and maturity.

Get Involved:

1. Pray: Prayer is the foundation of our mission. We invite you to join us in praying for the work, for the people of the Philippines, and for God's guidance and provision in all we do.

2. Give: Your financial support enables us to continue in our mission and reach more people with the love of Christ. We welcome your partnership with us financially to make a difference in the lives of individuals and communities across the Philippines.

3. Volunteer: Whether you're passionate about evangelism, community outreach, or discipleship, there are numerous opportunities to get involved and make a difference. Contact us to learn more about how you can volunteer with our church missions in the Philippines.